Keeping the Dream Alive

There are many ways you can help Feeney Park continue to thrive. Whether you’d like to contribute your time, expertise, resources, or money (or all of the above!) we are always grateful for your support.

Can I make an online donation to Feeney Park?

Yes, we greatly appreciate any donations to help us maintain and improve Feeney Park. There are several ways to donate directly to our organization:

  • You can also text “Feeney” to 44321 to donate using PayPal, credit card, or directly from your bank account.

Are there other ways to financially support the Park?

  • Do you shop at Sierra Hills Market, Sierra Hills Natural Foods, or Angels Food Market? If so, you can support Feeney Park every time you shop! Just fill out a brief form in-store to get a Community Card.

  • Checks may be sent to:
    Feeney Park Foundation
    PO Box 2432
    Murphys, CA 95247

What about grants or gift endowments?

Are there advertising opportunities at Feeney Park?

  • Professionally made aluminum signs with logo and lettering can be permanently displayed along the lower field fences. Placement will be on a first come, first served basis starting near the maintenance building and working around to the Highway 4 side of the field.

    $550 – 4’ x 8’ sign for the first year (including design and printing)
    $300 – 4’ x 8’ sign annual renewal
    $300 – 4’ x 4’ sign for the first year (including design and printing)
    $200 – 4’ x 4’ sign annual renewal

  • There are also advertising opportunities throughout the Disc Golf Course.

What volunteer opportunities are available at Feeney Park?

There are so many valuable ways to volunteer your time at Feeney Park!

  • Partner with us to take on a specific project or to help with an ongoing task. We’re always open to new ideas!

  • Join our Board of Directors and devote some of your valuable time and talents to bettering our community.

  • We have sponsored numerous Eagle Scout Projects throughout the years and are always eager to collaborate with local Scouts.

  • Volunteer at our events including our annual fundraisers: Mr. Frog’s Wild Run (April) and Goldrush Street Faire (October).

  • Join us for a clean-up day and donate some elbow grease to annual maintenance projects (April and October).

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